General Information
Q: Where is Deeeze located?
A: Deeeze is based in the vibrant state of of USA, and serves customers worldwide through our online platform at
Q: What sets Deeeze apart in the world of fashion?
A: Deeeze stands out for its commitment to crafting handmade women’s fashion, offering a unique blend of timeless elegance and contemporary style.
Product Information
Q: What types of women’s clothing does Deeeze specialize in?
A: Deeeze specializes in a variety of women’s fashion, including dresses, maxi skirts, wide-legged pants, blouses, and coats.
Q: Are Deeeze products ready-made or made to order?
A: All Deeeze products are meticulously handmade after each order is placed, allowing for a personalized and tailored experience.
Ordering and Customer Service
Q: How can I place an order with Deeeze?
A: Orders can be conveniently placed through our website at
Q: What is the typical turnaround time for a made-to-order item?
A: The crafting process takes time. Please check the product page for specific details.
Q: How can I contact Deeeze for customer support?
A: Our customer support team can be reached via email at [email protected] or by phone at (+1) 2513574073.
Quality and Care
Q: What quality can I expect from Deeeze products?
A: Deeeze is dedicated to providing high-quality, handcrafted fashion. Each garment is created with meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to lasting craftsmanship.
Q: How do I care for my Deeeze garments?
A: Generally, we recommend gentle hand washing or dry cleaning to preserve the quality of your handmade Deeeze items.